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Инцлудес: Заносни комбинезон са скривеним ципелом на леђима и репом који се држи на велкро
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Оцена производа: "Ружичаста пантерска костим за децу"
- Коментара 5
- Просечна оцена: 5 Звездице
- Величина: Normal
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ΑΘΗΝΑ (Greece) 15.3.22.
size was too big, return was impossible, had to buy it again, twice the cost. courier service said the store should issue a return order asking --the courier service-- to come take it back. it was supposed to go direclty to the courier's head offices, in another city. instead, funidelia sent a return order to --us-- so that they can "process the refund upon arrival". then we were instructed to send it --ourselves-- with a courier of --our-- choice, which would cost around 40-50 euros to send it within the required time limit. the experienced courier personel said "that's what many companies do to get away with refunds and extra delivery costs". well... we figured it out ourselves after visiting the courier service 3 times. other than that, it came in one piece, the make is pretty good, kid loved it, considering he wore it 3 times. the head piece is phenomenal, very accurate and... funny, overall a good choice, everybody got very excited, he even got an... award for the best costume! piece of advice: GET THE CORRECT SIZE!!
Корисно • Verified purchase
ΑΘΗΝΑ (Greece) 15.3.22.
size was too big, return was impossible, had to buy it again, twice the cost. courier service said the store should issue a return order asking --the courier service-- to come take it back. it was supposed to go direclty to the courier's head offices, in another city. instead, funidelia sent a return order to --us-- so that they can "process the refund upon arrival". then we were instructed to send it --ourselves-- with a courier of --our-- choice, which would cost around 40-50 euros to send it within the required time limit. the experienced courier personel said "that's what many companies do to get away with refunds and extra delivery costs". well... we figured it out ourselves after visiting the courier service 3 times. other than that, it came in one piece, the make is pretty good, kid loved it, considering he wore it 3 times. the head piece is phenomenal, very accurate and... funny, overall a good choice, everybody got very excited, he even got an... award for the best costume! piece of advice: GET THE CORRECT SIZE!!
Корисно • Verified purchase
ΚΑΤΕΡΙΝΗ (Greece) 2.3.22.
Корисно • Verified purchase